Category: TV & Movies

Harry Potter Made Me Gay, But Does JKR Value That?

Okay, disclaimer: the Harry Potter series did not, in fact, take an otherwise perfectly straight person who enjoyed dating only people of another gender and make them gay: I WAS GAY THE WHOLE TIME. But what I do mean by… Read More

Robin Lopez Is My New Favorite NBA Player

Give Deadspin their props, they hooked me in with their headline on this story: Robin Lopez Has Some Mysterious Beef With The Raptors’ Mascot. I don’t follow the NBA at all, and I have no idea who Robin… Read More

OUAT, We Are Fighting

SPOILER WARNING: The latter portion of this post will contain spoilers for 10/13’s episode of Once Upon a Time. Last season, OUAT added a few new characters, two of whom are Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) and Mulan. And those… Read More